
Chat with Louise Renicks

10 August 2020

Saturday 1st August 2020 we were joined on zoom by Commonwealth Games Champion Louise Renicks.

Louise took us through her journey in the sport from starting as a youngster in her fathers club and not really enjoying the sport initially, to standing on the podium at the home Commonwealth games in 2014. Louise also talked in depth about the experiences which nearly made her stop the sport she loves and her strength to get through the hard times to reach her goals.

The meeting was a real insight into the life of a full time female athlete. Louise's passion for the sport and for sharing the knowledge was evident to all. The way her family club Konokwai runs, really puts each childs development as a person within sport at the forefront and to hear her coaching philosophies was inspiring for all the coaches present.

Thank you Louise for taking the time to share your journey with Ultiamte Judo. A true inspiration. so open and honest.

Commonwealth Games Champion Louise Renicks

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