
8 - 12 years Judo Festival

16th June 2019

Details of our first festival of 2019 for those 8 years and over. Please note that this is open to Ultimate Judo students only

We are really pleased to announce details of our first Ultimate Judo Festival. This will be held on Sunday 16th June 2019 at Inchgarth Community Centre, Garthdee and is open to all active members aged between 8 and 14 years old. It is an event suitable and targeted towards all levels and abilities.
As coaches, we strongly believe that tournament judo is an integral part of personal development within the sport. We believe it also shows our players what can be achieved with a good attitude, hard work and courage. As experienced and active competitors ourselves, we are of the opinion that it’s only when you step out of your comfort zone and push your mindset further than your own expectations that real learning happens.
Having said that, we also appreciate that not every child wants to compete and put themselves in the spotlight. This is why events like this are important in terms of giving inexperienced competitors an opportunity to learn how to handle nerves and experience competitive judo in a less pressured environment. In addition, it will give each player a shot at testing their existing skills against players of a similar level.
We are only opening this event to our own players from all of our clubs across the local area. Every player is known to at least one of the coaches which means we can match each child into a group based on ability and size and that there will be no “mismatches”. The emphasis, as always at our events, is firmly on competing with positivity, spirit and most importantly, respect.

Numbers are limited to 60 on a first-come, first-served basis due to the size of the venue. Check-in times will be split and advised once entries have been finalised. We envisage the event lasting for approximately 2.5 hours from check in to medal presentations. 

Entry is £20 (non-refundable) with cash preferred although most venues in Aberdeen city are able to take card payments. If paying by cash, please enclose in an envelope with child’s name and class clearly marked on the front.
To book a space, please email or speak to your club coach in the first instance to save a slot. Places will then be held for 1 week until payment has been received. 

Thank you in advance for your support. We would love if any parents would like to get involved - if you wish to do so please let either of us know.
We will be holding an under 8 years old version of the festival after the summer holidays. 


Gordon McCathie 

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